What's new on Krakow IT
Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/omgkrk
and http://omgkrk.com are the main portals of the Krakow Startup Community
Open Coffee Krakow updates its FAQ into Polish and English http://www.ockrk.co//faq
- 15.10.2014 Adding two new companies who opened offices in Krakow - US SolarWinds and Polish Allegro
US Solarwinds announced opening a new R&D (software development) center in Krakow. "SolarWinds is just opening office in Krakow with the intention to build one of the key software development (R&D) centers that will support our company's rapid growth. We are building a world-class facility with talented and enthusiastic people. Working closely with offices in the US, Europe and Asia, we are building state-of-the art software in the area of IT management."
More on the company can be found here - http://www.solarwinds.com/company/
Polish Allegro (largest e-commerce platform) announced opening an office in Krakow with a plan to hire software developers.
More (in Polish) - http://www.propertynews.pl/biura/allegro-tworzy-nowe-biuro-w-krakowie,30332.html
- 18.02.2014 Have you ever wondered where to find info on start up events in Krakow?
Here's a list of pages that will be useful to track IT/Startup events in Krakow:
- http://www.omgkrk.com/events
- http://bitspiration.com/events/month/
- https://www.startupdigest.com/digests/krakow
- Open Coffee Krakow ockrk.co
- Google for Entrepreneurs - GfE Krakow
- http://www.cracowcommunitynoticeboard.com/
- 13.09.2013 Estimote (Krakowian start-up) Wins Best Hardware Startup At TechCrunch Disrupt SF: Estimote, a Krakowian start-up born in Kazimierz, just won the best start-up award at the TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco conference. Just to put this accomplishment in context, TechCrunch is the world’s premier technology blog and the competition for this award is global, so this is truly an amazing achievement.
And some other articles
Wired Magazine
Upstart article on Estimote momentum out of Y-Combinator (the Harvard of start-up incubators)
- 09.08.2013 Krakow was featured on the front page of the Wall Street Journal Europe and called out as the cultural capital of Poland, further cementing Krakow as a singularly great place to be in Europe!
- 09.08.2013 Great article talking about how Farnell element14 finds corporate life in Krakow after their first year of operation
- 09.08.2013 General Electric opening IT Center in Krakow- Now Hiring : Great news, one of the largest and most well known companies in the world is starting up in Krakow and is already hiring folks for their new IT Center. More news to come.
- 17.07.2013 Estimote - Krakow IT startup in Y Combinator talking about about Operating system for the physical world
- 09.07.2013 Adding 2 new companies to the list
We're adding 2 new companies to the list:
- EveryDayIPlay - http://www.everydayiplay.com/ Gaming startup
- SMT - http://www.smtsoftware.com/en Software house
KrakowIT counter = 359
- 09.07.2013 Samsung to open R&D center in Krakow
We've been informed that Samsung is opening a new R&D center in Krakow. Details to follow. The recruitment is already in progress.
- 17.06.2013 Adding 4 companies to the list
Adding new companies:
- Dropsport - http://dropsport.com sport social online service that lets you find sports partner around you
- Railwaymen http://www.railwaymen.org/en/ Ruby on Rails Development
- Razorbear http://razorbear.com/ Ruby on Rails Development
- U2i http://www.u2i.com/ software development shop (US)
Adding new co-working space:
Bioro - http://www.bioro.pl/ co-working venue located in Kazimierz (Dietla street)
KrakowIT counter = 356
-17.05.2013 This time it's official - 'The Witcher's' creators to set up in Krakow!
The CEO of CD Project RED has officially confirmed that his company is going to open a branch in Krakow this summer. The company plans to start with a group of about 20 developers working on new projects that are not yet disclosed. How about 'The Witcher 3'? :)
Here's the full article (in Polish) - http://www.gry-online.pl/S013.asp?ID=77098
For those of you interested in CD Project's history - here's the speech of its founders at TEDxKraków2010 - http://tedxkrakow.com/en/videos/12-marcin-iwinski-and-michal-kicinski-think-different-it-s-still-extremely-up-to-date
- 07.05. 2013 Updating 'Krakow IT Life' - adding new associations, events and conferences
Updating Krakow IT life section, adding:
IT associations:
- Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) - https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Poland
- Kraków Scala User Group - http://scalacamp.pl/
IT conferences:
- SEConference - Annual security conference - http://2013.seconference.pl/
IT events:
- ScalaCamp - Scala User Group meet ups - http://scalacamp.pl/
- Startup Stage - meetups for startup community - http://www.facebook.com/StartupStage/info
- Startup Pirates - http://krakow.startuppirates.org/about-us/
For the full list of what's going on in Krakow's IT life click here.
- 26.04.2013 Resources from Startup Stage meeting - 'Startup communicites in Krakow' now available
In late March the 3rd meetup from Startup Stage series took place in 'The Stage'. The theme was 'Startup communities in Krakow' and about 15 different teams/groups had a change to present themselves (including Hive, TEDxKrakow, Crossweb.pl, WebMuses, Kompany, KrakSpot, TechCamp and more). The resources are available:
- slides - http://www.slideshare.net/startupstage/
- videos - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHcD-tQ-UDSMGRbFkKa1zCWxuZ9yxEiQF
To stayed tuned to Startup Stage meetups - subscribe here.
- 26.04.2013 'The Witcher's' creators - CD Project RED to set up in Krakow?
During the last edition of Digital Dragons conference (here) that happened in Krakow on the 19-20 of April, during the informal discussion, a news was shared about the largest polish game producer - CD Project RED (creators of 'The Witcher') to set up a branch office in Krakow. Currently there are already several game developpers including Reality Pump (Earth, Two Words), Ganymede, Teyon and Artifex Mundi present in Krakow.
Once the official news is released - we'll definitely write more about it.
Source (in Polish) - http://www.gry-online.pl/S013.asp?ID=76495
- 18.03.2013 Adding 3 companies to the list
Medium Size doing R&D:
- HID Global http://www.hidglobal.com/ Secure Identity Solutions (US) *New 2013
Below 100 SMEs:
- Nibynic http://nibynic.com/ web apps design and development (HTML5, Javascript, Ruby on Rails) *New 2013
- Zycko http://www.zycko.com/ IT distributor (UK) *New 2013
KrakowIT counter = 351
- 18.03.2013 New startup meet-ups - Krakow Startup Stage
New series of Krakow IT/start up scene meetups - Startup Stage happening once a month in 'The Stage' (Lobzowska 3).
The series covers topics like - new technology trends, start ups and has an ambition to create start up friendly eco system in Krakow.
FB -> http://www.facebook.com/StartupStage
Twitter -> @startupstage
- 01.03.2013 Interesting article in San Francisco Chronicle 'Poland emerging as major European outsourcing hub'
An interesting article published in SF Chronicle about Polish outsourcing scene with emphasis on Krakow.
- 27.02.2013 Interesting articles about Krakow start up scene
Deutsche Telekom introducing a start up incubator in Krakow - ENG and PL
Why Poland’s ready to hit the tech big time - Read more here
- 22.02.2013 Adding 7 new companies to the list
- Brainly http://brainly.com/ social learning networks
- Click&Save http://clickandsave.eu/ social media viral marketing
- Friendly Social http://friendlysocial.pl/ Social media service platform
- Notatek http://notatek.pl/ platform for sharing university notes (PL only)
- Sugentum http://sugentum.com/ mobile e-commerce
SME (below 100)
- SecuRing http://www.securing.pl/en/ Information security management
SME (above 100)
- Chatham Financial http://www.chathamfinancial.com/ Financial services and technology solutions
KrakowIT counter = 348
- 23.01.2013 Krakow rises in 2013 Top 100 Outsourcing Destinations Rankings
Rising by one place, Krakow, Poland became the tenth city in the Top 100 List - making it the first Eastern European city to enter the Top 10 Emerged Cities.
Click here to access the full report - http://www.cuti.org.uy/documentos/Th...nking_2013.pdf
- 17.01. 2013 Yet another great foreign article on Krakow's start up scene
An interesting article by Clarissa Steinhoefel (co-founder of Startup Safary) on here impressions of Krakow start up scene.
- 08.01.2013 Do you want to know why Google set up R&D in Krakow?
An interview with Wojciech Burkot, who runs Google's R&D in Krakow on why they have chosen to set up the facility in Malopolska.
- 07.01.2013 A new trend? Southern Europeans Seeking a Better Life in Poland
The large number of international companies operating from Krakow, together with the economic crisis in Southern Europe, have led to an increasing number of young Spaniards, Portuguese and Italians seeking a decent living and a prosperous future in Krakow.
To continue reading - click here.
- 07.01.2013 Deutsche Telekom to open hub:raum (incubation/acceleration concept) in Krakow
Deutsche Telekom plans to roll out its incubation concept, first launched as hub:raum in Berlin, to other cities – including Krakow, next year (2013).
Hub:raum, officially announced in May, is an incubator that also offers an eight-week accelerator programme for young internet and tech companies. Participants are provided with office facilities, mentoring and advice. After that, they can go on to join the incubator part, which offers up to €300,000 of seed investment through the telco’s venture capital arm T-Venture and the chance to leverage Deutsche Telekom’s assets.
Deutsche Telekom spokeswoman Verena Fulde-Abs confirmed yesterday via email. “Next year, we will open one in Poland. It will be based in the city of Krakow.”
To read more - go here.
- 17.12.2012 - Adding 6 new companies to the list
We're adding 6 new companies to the list:
- Below 100 SME:
XTRF http://www.xtrf.us/ Translation Management System
- Startups:
Duckie Deck - http://duckiedeck.com/ Educational Games for kids
Estimote - http://estimote.com/ (US - NEW 2012)
IDEOven http://ideoven.com/ Crowdsourcing platform to transform ideas into products (NEW 2012)
Mofables http://mofables.com/ Games & Enterntainment for kids on mobile devices (NEW 2012)
Zonar.pl http://zonar.pl/ Mobile App to find offers based on preferences and geolocalization (NEW 2012)
Krakow IT counter = 341
- 14.12. 2012 NBC News discovers Krakow and shares the amazing things happening here, featuring Piotr Wilam (Krakow VC), Piotr Nedzynski (entrepreneur and Hive53 co-founder) and luminaries from AGH and Jagiellonian!
- 1.12. 2012 Hive53.com Krakow Start up Community opens its community to partner events - start your own Hive
the idea is that if you have an idea or project targetted at the start up community, you can - provided you work to the Hive mission, do events
- 30.11.2012 Selling Krakow in Videos (Just in time for the holidays!)
Many of us need to introduce Krakow to foreigners who have never heard of Krakow or Poland before. If a picture says a thousand words, then these videos will make them believers.
Experience Malopolska (the state of which Krakow is the capital) in sounds and images...incredibly produced so put on your dance shoes
Watch famous global celebrities talk about the best experiences in Poland (including Morgan Freeman raving about a Krakowian restaurant)
Produced by the Krakow Museum of History, it takes a modern wonderfully unorthodox approach to reflecting on Krakow's profound history.
Direct from Alwernia, Krakow's adjacent super high-tech film studios, a great Krakow primer.
- 17.11.2012 "Is Poland the best place for your start-up" in the International Media
The momentum for entrepreneurship in the region continues to build, with Poland as an epicenter. If you have the next great idea, you know where to come to make it a reality.
- 9.11.2012 Krakow IT boom featured in the International Media
The word is out, Krakow is on a roll and attracting people from all over the world to take part in a particularly Krakowian IT Boom. Krakow is open for business to all the top global talent out there.
- 16.10.2012 Entrepreneurship support projects available for schools
Global Student Entrepreneurs Awards - Poland
The premier global competition for undergraduate students. Global Student Entrepreneurs Awards Poland inspires students to adopt entrepreneurial endeavors by bringing global visibility to student business owners who are innovative, profitable and socially responsible.
Global Student Entrepreneurs Awards - Poland operates a series of competitions for student entrepreneurs who are attending a recognized high school, college or university, own a for-profit business. Students have a chance to win cash and share in over $150,000 in donated business services. The finals take place at the New York Stock Exchange.
Please visit http://www.gsea.org for more information.
Follow the project on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/EO.GSEA.POLAND
- 12.09.2012 Adding 3 new companies to the Krakow IT list
We're adding 3 new companies to the Krakow IT list - startups:
- Agile42 http://www.agile42.com/en SCRUM Subject Matter Experts - consulting and coaching (NEW Sept 2012)
- Tried-and-Tested - www.mobile.tried-and-tested.eu - Social City Guides (NEW Sept 2012)
Below 100 SME:
- X-Company http://x-company.com/ Web and mobile development (Australia - Sept 2012)
Krakow IT counter = 335
- 28.06.2012 Google launches Start-Up Incubator in Krakow, Poland with local partner (GammaRebels)
An outstanding news and a testament to the fantastic opportunity that Krakow represents - Google is launching a start-up incubator in collaboration with a local Polish firm which will harness the talent of not only Poland but the entire Central Eastern European region. Google only has 3 other sites in the world doing something even remotely similar to this, so it definitely marks another major debut of Krakow on the global stage.
More in here -
- 14.06.2012 Adding 5 new companies to the Krakow IT list
Adding new companies to the list:
Start ups:
- Credictive - http://www.credictive.com/ Social bookmarking platform to give credit to the authors of digital content
Below 100:
- Amertus - http://www.amartus.com - B-OSS & Management solutions
- DASL Systems - http://www.dasl.pl/index.php?lang=en - Software for power and engineering industry
Polish only:
- Fabryka Stron Internetowych - http://www.fsi.pl/ Website creation
- networkers.pl - http://networkers.pl/ Network integrator
Krakow IT counter = 332
-14.05.2012 UK's Ocado to set up IT center in Krakow
UK's Online supermarket Ocado turns to Poland for staff 'because there is not enough homegrown IT talent'.
Ocado has said there is not enough IT talent in the UK - and is turning to Poland to fill the gap.
Its chief executive insisted the Waitrose offshoot had been forced to look abroad to fill jobs because of a major shortage of computer science graduates in the UK.
Ocado wants to build the centre in the Polish city of Krakow, where it already employs some staff.
To read more - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2143849/Britain-lacks-whiz-kids-Ocado-turns-Poland-shortage-IT-graduates-UK.html
-14.05.2012 New Angel investor to support Polish start ups
Mark Ivanowski, an American businessman with Polish roots, is raising capital and looking for the most promising Polish startups to invest in, reports Puls Biznesu.
Mr Ivanowski, who is a partner in venture capital fund Sofinnova Corebridge Capital, wants to support young and dynamic IT companies, but the renewable energy and healthcare sectors are also on his radar.
For more info please visit - http://www.wbj.pl/article-59026-us-angel-investor-to-support-polish-tech-startups.html?typ=pam
-14.05.2012 TechCrunch covers news about Krakow's start ups - Future Simple and Credictive
In the recent days two Krakow based start ups had coverage at TechCrunch:
- Furute Simple raised $6.8M for its CRM Base software - http://techcrunch.com/2012/05/09/cross-platform-crm-startup-future-simple-raises-6-8m-from-index-ventures-socialcapital/
- New startup by Applicake team - Credictive - http://techcrunch.com/2012/05/08/credictive-wants-to-be-the-imdb-for-creative-content-and-people/
Congrats to Future Simple team and good luck to Credictive!
-23.04.2012 Interesting articles about Krakow's IT and startup scene
Recently two very interesting articles describing Krakow's IT and start up scence were published:
- 'Krakow’s Thriving Start-Up Scene' in Krakow Post - http://www.krakowpost.com/article/4730
- 'Shared services: Offices in smaller cities attract IT outsourcing' - in Financial Times - http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/912cd956-8220-11e1-9242-00144feab49a.html
-28.03.2012 Adding 9 new companies to the Krakow IT list
We're adding 9 new companies to the list:
Medium size companies doing R&D in Krakow:
- Schibsted Tech Polska http://www.schibsted.com/ Norwegian Media Group doing IT in Krakow (Norway) *New 2012
Below 100 SMEs
- IT Kontrakt - http://www.itkontrakt.pl/solutions-for-business/it-solution-outsourcing/it-solution_outsourcing IT outsourcing
- Optiz Consulting - http://www.opitz-consulting.com/en/home.php Business Intelligence solutions and applications
- Luxmat-Telecom - http://www.luxmat.com/ ICT solutions
- Binary Minds http://www.binaryminds.com/ ColdFusion development (USA)
PL only:
- Monit24 http://monit24.pl/ e-business, website security monitoring
- MadKom http://www.madkom.pl document and information management software for public sector
- Fru.pl http://fru.pl plane and hotel booking system
- eScout http://www.scout.eu/en eCards, greetings
Krakow IT counter = 327
-28.03.2012 KontraktIT - Polish IT outsourcing leader to set up a branch office in Krakow
Polish IT outsourcing company - KontraktIT has decided to set up a branch office in Krakow. More on the topic (in Polish) - http://www.it.wkrakowie.org/2012/03/26/it-kontrakt-otwiera-nowe-oddzialy-w-krakowie-i-gdansku/
-28.03.2012 Norwegians in Krakow! Schibsted Media Group
A very interesting news poped up in last weeks - the largest Norwegian media group has decided to open its IT hub in Krakow.
Schibsted Tech Polska, daughter company of largest Scandinavian media group, is looking for team members to their new office in Kraków: Senior Web Developer – Technical Team Leader, Web Developers and Graphic Designer. The new office will focus on projects in international environment in the area of creating web applications and new IT solutions.
Based on the job portals - the recruitment is in progress.
-12.03.2012 Oracle in Krakow! (via Taleo acquisition)
A very interesting news came to us from the US. One of the key IT players in the market Oracle has bought Taleo (a maker of web-based software for recruiting employees) that's present in Krakow. Taleo has a software development facility here in Krakow (after the take over of JobPartners few years back). Time will show what are Oracle's plans with regards to Krakow office.
More on the acquisition - http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/02/09/us-taleo-oracle-idUSTRE81813U20120209
-02.03.2012 Attracting International talents to Krakow - Survey by ASPIRE
ASPIRE organization is running a survey 'Visa and work permits for foreign nations'
“If we look at the evolution of business in Kraków, openness to foreign talent is one of the most important pillars for sustainable growth of Krakow. Silicon Valley is the ultimate melting pot of nationalities, Europeans, Chinese, Indians making up over 50% of the high tech population. This openness to the world’s top talent is what makes Silicon Valley what it is and it is what I’ve always believed would be a major factor for Krakow if we aspire to replicate that success.”
Ramon Tancinco, Cisco and ASPIRE
To read more and fill in the survey, please follow this link - http://www.aspire.org.pl/news/survey-on-work-permits-and-visas/
- 02.03.2012 Adding 10 new companies to the Krakow IT list
We're adding 10 new companies to the list of Krakow IT list:
Polish sites only:
- ITWorks http://www.itworks.pl/ IT outsourcing
- Investio http://investio.pl/ financial analysis platform
- LunchMaster http://lunchmaster.pl/ online food ordering platform
- Nagroderek http://nagroderek.pl/ Contests and prizes platform
- Przedszkolowo http://przedszkolowo.pl/ website creation and maintenace for preschool
- Synergian http://synergian.pl/ Services Price comparison platform
Below 100 SMEs
- AzimuthIT http://www.azimuthit.com/index.php software solutions for airline industry
- Nitro Lab http://thenitrolab.com/ mobile applications, gamification
- PrivacyProtector http://privacyprotector.eu/en/ VPN (Virtual Private Networks)products
- Racing Life http://racinglife.net/ Online management game
- 26.01.2012 Krakow IT counter reaches 300+ as we add 10 new companies to the list
Krakow IT counter reached 308 as we added new companies to the list!
The latest additions:
Adding new companies to the list:
- Future Simple http://www.futuresimple.com/ CRM systems for Small-Medium Business
- Artiflex Mundi http://www.artifexmundi.com/page/news/ game development studio
- Nano Games http://www.nano-games.com/ game development studio
PL only
- Tech Cave http://www.techcave.pl/ technology for marketing
- DPK Systems http://www.dpksystem.pl/ IT systems for transport
- Statica http://statica.pl/index.html broker's software
- Predictive Solutions http://www.predictivesolutions.pl/ data mining, data analysis
Below 100 SMEs:
- MyNetwork Poland http://www.mynetwork.pl/firma-about.php elearning solutions
- SoftPro http://softpro.pl/home-en.html Enterprise software
Medium Sized companies doing Back-Office R&D
- InFusion http://www.infusion.com/default.aspx Software Engineering/Design
Looking forward to achieving next milestones!
- 23.01.2012 Facebook setting up in Poland, why not in Krakow?
Accroding to the article published in press few days ago, Facebook is looking to set up an office in Poland (http://serwisy.gazetaprawna.pl/praca-i-kariera/artykuly/586098,facebook_wkracza_do_polski_potentat_planuje_zalozenie_u_nas_swojego_oddzialu.html). We would like to convince them that Krakow is the place to be! Join us on Facebook to support our initiative - http://www.facebook.com/groups/203602589734904/
- 09.01.2012 - Interesting article - summary of Krakow IT scene in 2011
The article comes from ASPIRE - http://www.aspire.org.pl/news/krakow-internet-start-up-acquired-by-silicon-valley-leader/
"2011 has been a banner year for the technology scene in Kraków, capped off with the acquisition in December of Kraków Internet start-up Topicmarks by Silicon Valley social discovery leader, Tagged.
During the year, the big news was the announcements by technology giants Cisco and Akamai that they were opening Centres in Kraków, joining existing global players in the city, such as Google, IBM, Motorola and Sabre. The Cisco Centre will initially focus on Technical and Advanced Services, whilst Akamai, the global leader in internet streaming technology will focus on IT development.
The tech media also showed a growing interest in the city, including an article and a video about Krakow’s quickly burgeoning start-up scene in TechCrunch Europe and this fascinating article about the emerging tech scene in the city by Tej Panesar.
The second annual TedX Kraków event occurred and was a resounding success with ASPIRE’s Ramon Tancinco captivating the audience with his presentation on Kraków as Europe’s emerging Silicon Valley.
Krakow IT, a volunteer website focused on tracking all IT activity in Kraków, from start-ups to multinationals, is now the #1 hit in Google when searching “Krakow IT” and the trends are fascinating. Kraków is currently experiencing a huge wave of back-office R&D investment globally, especially from Scandinavia. There has also been a surge of activity in the mobility space. The site also highlights up and coming IT oriented events and an introductory guide to living in Krakow for English-speakers, as the city continues to attract talent from across the world.
The networking ecosystem is also emerging, combining Kraków’s reputation as a party hotspot with high tech haven via such start-up company meet-ups such as the Hive, featured in the TechCrunch video. Additionally, the momentum of Kraków as the Ruby on Rails capital of Europe continues, with the next big Ruby Conference coming in April 2012 in the form of http://railsberry.com/
All told, the tech scene in Kraków can look forward to an exciting 2012."
All the best for everyone for the new, exciting year for Krakow IT and start up scene!
- 14.12.2011 Krakow's Topicmarks acquired in Silicon Valley!
Great news from Silicon Valley! Topicmarks - company started in Krakow (R&D still here) got acquired by Tagged. Congratulations to the team!
Jaromir Dzialo of Topicmarks was a guest speaker at latest Krakspot - see his story in here - http://krakspot.pl/ (presentation and video in Polish).
Topicmarks went through the journey of starting in Krakow, moving to Silicon Valley and being acquired over there.
More information about the acquisition:
In English:
In Polish:
- 14.12.2011 Start Up Weekend Krakow 20-22nd January 2012
Continuing the topic of hot winter for startup community in Krakow - check out Start up weekend in Krakow in January - http://krakow.startupweekend.org/
- 12.12.2011 - Two new companies & interesting events in January
- Neuro Code - Research and Development Center. Services pertain to the development and research on the latest state-of-the-art technology solutions based on neuro- and bioinformatics along with neurocommunication and neurostimulation. Neuro Code's goal is to provide innovative solutions for improving sporting achievements, modernise contemporary medicine, support effective rehabilitation and contribute to developing the electronic gaming industry. More in here http://neuro-code.com/en/about-us
- ClickMaster - Polish company focusing on website creation. Their projects include organization of:
Mobile trends Conference http://www.mobiletrendsconf.pl/home.php - January 27th
Krakow IT counter = 297
- 06.12.2011 - 'Krakow - Europe's Silicon Valley' talk reacorded at TEDxKrakow 2011 now available
On 20.10.2011 Ramon Tancinco gave a talk called: "Krakow: Europe's Silicon Valley? Why not!" at TEDxKrakow event. Enjoy!
About the speaker:
.. the Head of Strategy and Business Development for Central and Eastern Europe for Cisco Systems. He will talk about Krakow and its potential to become a European Silicon Valley.
About the talk:
Former US Army Captain and now Head of Strategy Business Development for Central and Eastern Europe for Cisco Systems®, Ramon is deeply convinced of Kraków's potential to be a European Silicon Valley. Passionate about technology, entrepreneurship and Kraków (as well as farming, but that's another story), his energy and enthusiasm have helped bring public institutions, businesses and individuals together to work towards creating a more entrepreneur-friendly environment. There's a lot happening in Małopolska at the moment, yet there is still a lot to be done. What can we learn from successful start-up ecosystems such as Silicon Valley or Bangalore? And what attitudes and behaviours are we going to have to nurture (and overcome)?
Please see more about the event in here.
- 24.11.2011 - Hot Fall and Winter for Krakow start ups
Fall and winter will be busy for Krakow IT and start up community.
It is going to be full of different, interesting events, follow them here:
- Hive - Krakow start up community meetings - http://www.joinhive.com/
- Krakspot - Krakow largest BarCamp - http://krakspot.pl/
- Startup Weekend Krakow - January 20-22 - http://krakow.startupweekend.org/
- 24.11.2011 - Great articles on Krakow start up scene
Two great articles on Krakow tech and start up scene were published in the last days:
- A great story "Cracking the Krakow Code – Poland’s newest high tech cluster emerges" by Mike Butcher from TechCrunch Europe after his visit in Krakow (guest speaker at Hive meeting) about Krakow IT start up scene
- An article by Tej Panesar "The accelerators" around Krakow entrepreneurs, business community and start ups
Have a great read!
- 10.11.2011 - 13 new startups from Krakow added to the list of Krakow IT
We're having a hot autumn here in Krakow, a lot of new startups added to the list of Krakow IT companies:
- Kiedy.co http://kiedy.co/ platform for locating events around you (start up)/PL
- Megafoni https://megafoni.pl/ marketing solutions on Facebook (start up)/PL
- Apocalypse http://apocalypse.pl/ browser game (start up)/PL
- Amistad group http://www.amistad.pl mobile applications and e-marketing (start up)/PL
- Treespot http://www.treespot.pl/ Mobile city info (start up)/PL
- Futbolowo.pl http://futbolowo.pl/ Creation and management of websites for futbol fans(start up)/PL
- Zadane.pl http://zadane.pl/ Polish social learning platform (start up)/PL
- Ad Manago http://www.admanago.eu Ads in Google and e-marketing (start up)/EN
- AdFaces http://adfaces.net/ web-based platform for out-of-home media (start up)/EN
- ChartLab http://www.chartlab.net/ web-based service for Forex traders (start up)/EN
- Manifo http://manifo.com/ free, automated website creation (start up)/EN
- The ShootAR http://www.theshootar.com/ Mobile Augment Reality game (start up)/EN
- PressPad http://presspadapp.com/ web-based mobile publishing platform (start up)/EN
KrakowIT counter = 295 IT companies present in Krakow
- 28.10.2011 - 12 new companies added to the Krakow IT list
We've spent some time updating the list of companies available on our website. We've found 12 new ones and we've added them to our list. Here's a summary:
- Added startups - Neurosystem (Automation and controlling over Internet), GPSMobileGuide (GPS/Guides for smartphones), Rekomend.me (Social recommendation, social job search), Webklinika (Web design and usibility testing)
- Below 100 - NextiraOne (Communication systems, networking ), Sygnity (IT solutions), Talex (IT services and solutions for business process optimization), ITCube (CRM systems)
- Backoffice R&D - Energy Micro (semiconductors)(Norway)
- PL only - Wasko (computer software and systems), ProIntegro (IP PBX, Call and Contact centers), Apius Technologies (IP communications and information security), Suqqon Project (web design)
KrakowIT counter = 282 IT companies present in Krakow
- 28.10.2011 - Energy Micro to open R&D facility in Krakow
Energy Micro is considering opening a new R&D center in Krakow in January 2012. They will be hiring electronics engineers.
Energy Micro is a relatively young, yet rapidly growing semiconductor company from Oslo (Norway). The company provides low-energy microcontrollers and RF transceivers based on ARM Cortex processor cores. You can read more information from the official website: www.energymicro.com
- 22.10.2011 - Cisco to open a shared service center in Krakow
On October 19th Cisco Systems, world's largest networking equipment producer, has announced the intent to open a support center in Krakow by summer 2012.
Part of Cisco's announcement:
Cisco continuously evaluates potential sites for support operations around the world and the availability of educated talent and an excellent communications infrastructure were key to the decision to choose Poland, and in particular Krakow, as the site of our next support center, to be opened in early summer 2012. This will be a shared services center supporting customers across the Europe, Middle East, Africa and Russia (EMEAR) region. It will complement existing locations and will provide services across multiple functional groups including Cisco Services, Finance, Operations and others.
The Krakow support center is an important part of our strategy to enhance the way we serve our customers, partners and internal stakeholders across EMEAR. By establishing a shared services center in Central Europe, our aim is to get closer to our customers, in terms of geography and timezones while offering the convenience of multi-language support. "
Please read more in here.
About Cisco /Wikipedia/
Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO) is an American multinational corporation headquartered in San Jose, California, United States,that designs and sells consumer electronics, networking, voice, and communications technology and services. Cisco has more than 70,000 employees and annual revenue of US$ 40.0 billion as of 2010.
- 03.10.2011 'Hive' a new Krakow startup community launched!
Hive will be a series of meetups for people with entrepreneurial drive - to meet, get inspired and exchange experiences around marketing, tech, fundraising, sales, pitching and delivering value.
Read more in here.
- 12.09.2011 Polish Infosystems SA to open R&D facility in Krakow - news
- 02.08.2011 'Krakow IT counter' added:
We're adding the 'Krakow IT' counter as a way to measure how many IT, Krakow based companies are present in the city.
Curretny there are 264 companies listed on the site and the latest additions are:
- 02.08.2011 'Akamai to open in Krakow' /based on ASPIRE news/
Akamai Technologies, Inc., the leading provider of cloud optimization services, has announced its formal expansion into five countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) – Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. Akamai will open an office in Krakow to support CEE customers. Other offices and staffing will be added over the next 6-12 months. The company is also actively working to expand its existing channel partner program in order to support Akamai’s focus on the enterprise, commerce, financial services, high-tech, manufacturing and media markets in CEE.
About Akamai
Akamai provides market-leading, cloud-based services for optimizing Web and mobile content and applications, online HD video, and secure commerce.
Read more here.
- 02.08.2011 'What's new' added:
We're adding the 'What's new' section to Krakow IT page - where we will:
- keep you posted around new companies in Krakow
- inform you about new events, associations, funds etc available in the city
- blog around trends, opportunities and job openings

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