
IT Life in Krakow

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IT Life in Krakow


Krakow is a place where the IT community is very strong and well organized, what results in lots of associations, user groups, conferences, meetings and events.


In here we'll try to list the most well-known ones by category - association, conference, event and job fair.


IT Associations 

ADOBERS - Polish Adobe Flex User Group

ASPIRE  - Association of IT and business process services companies in Poland

ITK  - Information Technology in Krakow portal

ITSBA  - IT Small Business Alliance Krakow User Groups

ISSA Krakow - Information Systems Security Association - Krakow Group 

PJUG  - Polish Java Users Group

kgd.net  - Krakow .NET User Group

KrakDroid - Krakow Android developers/programmers group

KRUG - Krakow Ruby User Group

Pykonik - Krakow Python Users Group

Polish Scrum Users Group  - Scrum Users Group

TCPIP - Technical Communication Professionals in Poland Events

Software Craftsmanship in Kraków - software development development group

PLSSUG (PL) - Polish SQL Server User Group

IGNITE KRK - Ignite Krakow Web Technologies Meetup Group -

Krakow MeeGo Network – MeeGo - Community around open source platform for mobile devices

GTUG-PL  - Polish Google Technology User Group

WebMuses - Women in IT association

IT w Krakowie -  community that helps tobuild and develop the IT community in Krakow

PMI Krakow - Project Management Institute Krakow  

Hive - Krakow Start up Community

Hive53 Open Coffee - Hive and Open Coffee community meet ups

Scala User Group - Kraków Scala User Group

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) - OWASP project group


IT Conferences

33degree  - 33rd degree Java annual conference

Academic IT Festival - Annual student-organized conference across four major universities

Agile Central Europe (ACE!)  - Annual Lean/Agile conference in Krakow

CONFidence - Annual IT security conference

Digital Dragions - Game Development Festival

FrontRow - Annual Design, usability, and front-end web development conference

Java Developers’ Day - Annual Java conference

GeeCON - Java/JVM/Groovy/Ruby conference

KrakJam - event for game developers

KrakOpen Team Programming Challenge CodeCamp - Annual .NET programming event

MMConf - Mobile developers and designers conference

Polish Network Operators Group - Annual Service Provider Conference

Railsberry - annual Rails conference

SEConference - Annual security conference

ITGiants – annual conference involving largest IT companies

NYAC – Not Yet Another Conference - Java, Agile conference



IT Events

ArtBuzz - initiative in form of workshops, lectures , seminars related to graphics, new technologies and internet

BAIT (PL) - BEST IT festival

BEC (PL) - BEST Engineering Competition

BIWAK -  (Bitowy Intensywny Wysoko Atrakcyjny Kurs) – IT meetings for students

Cisco Open Day (PL) – Cisco company meet students

CodeRetreat - Pair Programming and TDD event

Eclipse Demo Camp – annual meeting for Eclipse users

E-biznes Festival (PL) - e-commerce, e-marketing and e-business conference

GrillIT (PL) – IT barbeque event

HackKRK - hacking community

Ignite Krakow - meetings for Web Technology community

KDG meetings - .NET meetings

KrakJam - annual Global Game development competition

Krakspot (PL) - IT community,soun off from Mediaframe, the AGH (technical University student body

Krak your net (PL) - network security event

Noc Informatyka (PL) - Night of IT - education/fun event

MeeGo Network – meetings organized by MeeGo community

MoonCamp (PL) - meetings for people working in internet ‘industry’

NOSQL Summer – SQL users meetings

Openbeer (PL) – informal IT community meetings

PMI Krakow (PL) – meetings organized by Project Management Institute in Krakow

ScalaCamp - Scala User Group meet ups

Startup Pirates - meetups for startup community

Startup Stage - meetups for startup community

Startup Weekend - intense event for startup community

SCKRK – meetings organized by Software Craftsmanship in Kraków

SocialCamp - meetings to share information and to promote usage of internet in building an society based on information

TechCapm - technology barcamp in Krakow

TEDxKrakow  annual TEDx Conference to the TED.com format.



Around IT

Now Here Krakow Open Space group for community projects:

Pecha Kucha (PL) nights 20 slides 20 seconds each, mainly for artists in Atropos gallery. No web page, but well promoted on Facebook

Interactive Day   design and marketing students and professionals. Apparently 700 people showed up to their first even . led by Dawid Szczepaniak a lecturer from WSE - one of the more progressive private universities.

Toast Masters – community to improve communication, public speaking and leadership skills


Job Fairs:

ITP (PL) - Inzynierskie Targi Pracy Engineering Job Faire   

ITP (PL) - Inzynierskie Targi Pracy Engineering Job Faire    



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