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15.10.2014 Adding two new companies who opened offices in Krakow - US SolarWinds and Polish Allegro US Solarwinds announced opening a new R&D (software development) center in Krakow. "SolarWinds is just opening office in Krakow with the intention to build one of the key software development (R&D) centers that will support our company's rapid growth. We are building a world-class facility with talented and enthusiastic people. Working closely with offices in the US, Europe and Asia, we are building state-of-the art software in the area of IT management." More on the company can be found here - http://www.solarwinds.com/company/ Polish Allegro (largest e-commerce platform) announced opening an office in Krakow with a plan to hire software developers. More (in Polish) - http://www.propertynews.pl/biura/allegro-tworzy-nowe-biuro-w-krakowie,30332.html
- 18.02.2014 Have you ever wondered where to find info on start up events in Krakow? Here's a list of pages that will be useful to track IT/Startup events in Krakow: - http://www.omgkrk.com/events - http://bitspiration.com/events/month/ - https://www.startupdigest.com/digests/krakow - Open Coffee Krakow ockrk.co - Google for Entrepreneurs - GfE Krakow - http://www.cracowcommunitynoticeboard.com/
- 09.07.2013 Adding 2 new companies to the list We're adding 2 new companies to the list: - EveryDayIPlay - http://www.everydayiplay.com/ Gaming startup - SMT - http://www.smtsoftware.com/en Software house KrakowIT counter = 259 - 09.07.2013 Samsung to open R&D center in Krakow We've been informed that Samsung is opening a new R&D center in Krakow. Details to follow. The recruitment is already in progress. http://rd.samsung.pl/career/open_positions_list-en.html
- 17.06.2013 Adding 4 companies to the list Adding new companies: - Dropsport - http://dropsport.com sport social online service that lets you find sports partner around you - Railwaymen http://www.railwaymen.org/en/ Ruby on Rails Development - Razorbear http://razorbear.com/ Ruby on Rails Development - U2i http://www.u2i.com/ software development shop (US) Adding new co-working space: Bioro - http://www.bioro.pl/ co-working venue located in Kazimierz (Dietla street) KrakowIT counter = 356
-17.05.2013 This time it's official - 'The Witcher's' creators to set up in Krakow! The CEO of CD Project RED has officially confirmed that his company is going to open a branch in Krakow this summer. The company plans to start with a group of about 20 developers working on new projects that are not yet disclosed. How about 'The Witcher 3'? :) Here's the full article (in Polish) - http://tedxkrakow.com/en/videos/12-marcin-iwinski-and-michal-kicinski-think-different-it-s-still-extremely-up-to-date For those of you interested in CD Project's history - here's the speech of its founders at TEDxKraków2010 - http://tedxkrakow.com/en/videos/12-marcin-iwinski-and-michal-kicinski-think-different-it-s-still-extremely-up-to-date
- 26.04.2013 Resources from Startup Stage meeting - 'Startup communicites in Krakow' now available In late March the 3rd meetup from Startup Stage series took place in 'The Stage'. The theme was 'Startup communities in Krakow' and about 15 different teams/groups had a change to present themselves (including Hive, TEDxKrakow, Crossweb.pl, WebMuses, Kompany, KrakSpot, TechCamp and more). The resources are available: - slides - http://www.slideshare.net/startupstage/ - videos - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHcD-tQ-UDSMGRbFkKa1zCWxuZ9yxEiQF To stayed tuned to Startup Stage meetups - subscribe here. - 26.04.2013 'The Witcher's' creators - CD Project RED to set up in Krakow? During the last edition of Digital Dragons conference (here) that happened in Krakow on the 19-20 of April, during the informal discussion, a news was shared about the largest polish game producer - CD Project RED (creators of 'The Witcher') to set up a branch office in Krakow. Currently there are already several game developpers including Reality Pump (Earth, Two Words), Ganymede, Teyon and Artifex Mundi present in Krakow. Once the official news is released - we'll definitely write more about it. Source (in Polish) - http://www.gry-online.pl/S013.asp?ID=76495
- 18.03.2013 Adding 3 companies to the list Medium Size doing R&D: - HID Global http://www.hidglobal.com/ Secure Identity Solutions (US) *New 2013 Below 100 SMEs: - Nibynic http://nibynic.com/ web apps design and development (HTML5, Javascript, Ruby on Rails) *New 2013 - Zycko http://www.zycko.com/ IT distributor (UK) *New 2013 KrakowIT counter = 351 - 18.03.2013 New startup meet-ups - Krakow Startup Stage New series of Krakow IT/start up scene meetups - Startup Stage happening once a month in 'The Stage' (Lobzowska 3). The series covers topics like - new technology trends, start ups and has an ambition to create start up friendly eco system in Krakow. FB -> http://www.facebook.com/StartupStage Twitter -> @startupstage
- 01.03.2013 Interesting article in San Francisco Chronicle 'Poland emerging as major European outsourcing hub'
- 27.02.2013 Interesting articles about Krakow start up scene Deutsche Telekom introducing a start up incubator in Krakow - ENG and PL Why Poland’s ready to hit the tech big time - Read more here