

Page history last edited by Richard Lucas 4 years, 2 months ago


Krakow: Europe's Silicon Valley


January 2018
This page used to be the hub of the network.
Most important now are 


Its Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/omgkrk
as over 5000 members and acts as a community notice board.

and KMS https://kms.org.pl  Krakow city of startups (mainly Polish Language)


Guide to the Krakow Startup Eco System 30th November 2016



Partial List of Kraków IT Companies

List is courtesy of the Krakow Network  (a group created for people interested in facilitating Krakow entrepreneurship, especially in high tech sector).  

 Identified Subclusters:  Mobile Applications, Gaming Development, Ruby Development, Internet Design Services,BioInformatics, Embedded Systems Software Development

Top Multinationals with Engineers in Krakow: Google, IBM, Oracle, Motorola, Nokia Siemens, Cisco, Sabre, Autodesk, Samsung

Featured Countries with R&D Headquarters in Krakow: Ireland, Israel, United Kingdom, Finland, Norway, Denmark, United States,Russia, China, Spain

List of Venture Capital Sources in Poland

Krakow Technology Park (Incubator, Tax-Free Special Economic Zones, Start-up Ecosystem, Office Space)

Powerpoint Presentation on Why Krakow is Europe's Silicon Valley (The slides are licensed as open content, so help yourself.)


Video: Krakow - Europe's Silicon Valley - Talk recorded at TEDxKrakow 2011 event



Video: Cracking the Krakow Code – Poland’s newest high tech cluster emerges - Mike Butcher's of TechCrunch trip to Krakow



To contact us, collaborate or add companies to the list - email krakowIT@gmail.com


Krakow IT counter - 362

(how many IT companies are present in Krakow)


Table of contents:

- What's new

- List of IT companies in Krakow (below)

- Venture capital in Krakow (below) and in Poland

- IT Life in Krakow

- New to living in Krakow (a Survival Guide)

- International Multi-Media on Krakow (the Foreigners Perspective)


What's new:

- Brainly - Krakow based startup (social network for homework) to raise $9M from venture capital - Read more

- US SolarWinds to open its R&D department in Krakow - Read more

- Polish Allegro e-commerce platform to move engineering jobs to Krakow - Read more

- Tim Jackson - one of the UK's most successful dotcom entrepreneurs, gives attends four events in 24 hours, Hive lunch in Google for Entrepreneurs,  speeches at the Aspire conference and Hive53 evening event, Open Coffee Krakow. want him to invest? check out Leaninvestments.com  

- Sharon Vosmek CEO of Astia gives Keynote at Aspire conference. Astia is about men and women working together to support women founded or co founded high growth startups https://www.facebook.com/inspiredbyastia  and www.inspiredbyastia.pl

- Have you ever wondered where to find info on start up events in Krakow? - Read more

- Krakow games startup Vikings go Wild starts mission of global conquest - Read more

- Krakowian start-up Estimote wins best hardware start-up at TechCrunch Disrupt SF event - Read more

- Krakow on the front page of the WSJ Europe website - Read more 

- Great article on the one year anniversay of Farnell element14 in Krakow and why they love it here - Read more 

- General Electric (GE) IT in Krakow - Read more 

- Estimote - Krakow IT startup talks about Operating system for the physical world - Read more 

- Adding 2 new companies to the list - Read more 

- Samsung to open R&D center in Krakow - Read more

- Adding 5 new companies to the list - Read more

- This time it's official - 'The Witcher's' creators to set up in Krakow! - Read more

- Updating 'Krakow IT Life' - adding new associations, events and conferences - Read more

- Resources from Startup Stage meeting - 'Startup communicites in Krakow' now available - Read more

- 'The Witcher's' creators - CD Project RED to set up in Krakow? - Read more

- Adding 3 companies to the list - Read more  

- New startup meet-ups - Krakow Startup Stage - Read more

- Interesting article in San Francisco Chronicle 'Poland emerging as major European outsourcing hub' - Read more 

- Interesting articles about Krakow start up scene - Read more  

- Adding 7 new companies to the list - Read more  

- Krakow rises in 2013 Top 100 Outsourcing Destinations Rankings  - Read more  

- A new coworking space in Kazimierz district - Click here for more 

- Yet another great foreign article on Krakow's start up scene - Read more  

- Do you want to know why Google set up R&D in Krakow? - Read more  

- A new trend? Southern Europeans Seeking a Better Life in Poland - Read more  

- Deutsche Telekom to open hub:raum (incubation/acceleration concept) in Krakow - Read more  

- Adding 3 new companies to the Krakow IT list - Read more  

- NBC News discovers Krakow and shares the amazing things happening here, awesome international exposure  more  

- Selling Krakow in Video (Just in time for the holidays)- If you want to introduce Krakow to folks who have never been to Poland, try one of these great videos more  

- A must read article for global entrepreneurs: "Is Poland the best place for your start-up" more 

- Awsome new article in the international media on Krakow IT Boom more 

- Entrepreneurship support projects available for schools - Read more  

- Adding 3 new companies to the Krakow IT list - Read more  

- Google launches Start-Up Incubator in Krakow, Poland with local partner (GammaRebels) - Read more  

- Adding 5 new companies to the Krakow IT list - Read more  

- UK's Ocado to set up IT center in Krakow - Read more    

- New Angel investor to support Polish start ups - Read more    

- TechCrunch covers news about Krakow's start ups - Future Simple and Credictive - Read more    

- Interesting articles about Krakow's IT and startup scene - Read more    

- Adding 9 new companies to the Krakow IT list - Read more    

- KontraktIT - Polish IT outsourcing leader to set up a branch office in Krakow - Read more    

- Norwegians in Krakow! Schibsted Media Group -

- Oracle in Krakow! (via Taleo acquisition) - Read more    

- Attracting International talents to Krakow - Survey by ASPIRE - Read more    

- Adding 10 new companies to the Krakow IT list - Read more    

- Krakow IT counter reaches 300+ as we add 10 new companies to the list - Read more    

- Facebook to set up in Poland! Why not in Krakow? - Read more    

- We've added a new subspace 'Amazing Start-up Tid-Bits of Knowledge' - Read more  

- Summary of Krakow IT/startup scene in 2011 (article) - Read more    

- Krakow's Topicmarks acquired in Silicon Valley! - Read more    

- Two new companies & interesting events in January - Read more 

- 'Krakow - Europe's Silicon Valley' talk reacorded at TEDxKrakow 2011 now available - Read more  

- Hot Fall and Winter for Krakow start ups - Read more    

- Great articles on Krakow start up scene - Read more   

- 13 new startups from Krakow added to the list of Krakow IT - Read more

- 12 new companies added to the list of Krakow IT - Read more

- Energy Micro - Norwegian semiconductor company to open R&D facility in Krakow - Read more

- Cisco to announce intent to open a support center in Krakow - Read more

- New international multi-media articles on Krakow - Read more

- 'Hive' a new Krakow startup community launched! - Read more

- Polish 'Infosystems SA' to open R&D facility in Krakow - Read more

- 'Krakow IT counter' added - We're adding the 'Krakow IT' counter as a way to measure how many IT companies are present in the city - Read more

- Akamai to open in Krakow - Read more

- 'What's new' added - We're adding the 'What's new' section to Krakow IT page - Read more


Startups (Pre-Profit Stage)


AdFaces http://adfaces.net/ web-based platform for out-of-home media

Ad Manago http://www.admanago.eu Ads in Google and e-marketing

Ad Taily  http://adtaily.com/english Media and ad Software

Agile42 http://www.agile42.com/en SCRUM Subject Matter Experts - consulting and coaching (NEW)

Artiflex Mundi http://www.artifexmundi.com/page/news/ game development studio

Berrylife http://berrylife.pl/ "Interactive" Advertising and Solutions

BioTe21 http://www.biote21.com/html/en/index-en.html Molecular Medicine and Genetic Diagnostics

Brainly http://brainly.com/ social learning networks (NEW 2012)

ChartLab http://www.chartlab.net/ web-based service for Forex traders

Cleo Networks http://www.cleonetworks.com software development & IT consulting

Click&Save http://clickandsave.eu/  social media viral marketing (NEW 2012)

Credictive - http://www.credictive.com/ Social bookmarking platform to give credit to the authors of digital content

Delta Prototypes http://www.deltaprototypes.pl/en/  Advanced Watercraft Designs (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Digital Mines http://digitalmines.com/ Cloud Computing Start-up (Ireland)

DotLabs http://www.dotlabs.pl/ Web applications (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Dropsport - http://dropsport.com sport social online service that lets you find sports partner around you

Duckie Deck - http://duckiedeck.com/  Educational Games for kids (NEW 2012)

eScout http://www.scout.eu/en eCards, greetings

Estimote - http://estimote.com/  (US - NEW 2012)

EveryDayIPlay - http://www.everydayiplay.com/ gaming startup (NEW 2013)

Friendly Social http://friendlysocial.pl/  Social media service platform (NEW 2012)

IIZT  http://www.iizt.com/ Digitial consultantcy and design

InventSoft http://www.inventsoft.pl/index.html Data processing, search engines (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Future Simple http://www.futuresimple.com/ CRM systems for Small-Medium Business

Game Lab http://www.gamelab.eu/ iphone and iPod video games

GPSMobileGuide http://www.gpsmobileguide.com/en GPS/Guides for smartphones (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Groovecode http://www.groovecode.com/en/ Game design and development

Han Bright http://hanbright.com/company/lang:eng  Kid Focused Interactive Agency (Funded by Satus)

Hilcus Electronics http://www.hilcus-electronics.pl/en/ Industrial Advanced Electronic Systems (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

IDEOven http://ideoven.com/ Crowdsourcing platform to transform ideas into products (NEW 2012)

Kanbanery http://kanbanery.com  team and individual project management

LingApp http://www.lingapp.com/ Online application for learning English

Lucreati http://www.lucreati.pl/ Website Production Agency (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Magelab http://www.magelab.com/ Video-on-demand and iPhone solutions -VC Funded by ICG  http://www.internetcapital.com/

Manifo http://manifo.com/ free, automated website creation

Mijuma http://www.mijusic.com Innovative ear training system

Mofables http://mofables.com/ Games & Enterntainment for kids on mobile devices (NEW 2012)

Nano Games http://www.nano-games.com/ game development studio 

NeuroSystem http://neurosystem.eu/ Automation and controlling over Internet (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Nitro Lab http://thenitrolab.com/ mobile applications, gamification 

Nowatec Technology  http://www.nowatec-technology.com/  Technology Blog (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Ognisco http://www.ognisco.com/ Software development

PipeJump http://pipejump.com/ Sales and opportunity management

PressPad http://presspadapp.com/ web-based mobile publishing platform

PrivacyProtector http://privacyprotector.eu/en/ VPN (Virtual Private Networks) products

Racing Life http://racinglife.net/ Online management game

Railwaymen http://www.railwaymen.org/en/  Ruby on Rails Development

Razorbear http://razorbear.com/  Ruby on Rails Development

Rekomend.me http://rekomend.me/ Social recommendation, social job search (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Respectance http://www.respectance.com/ Online memorial site

Roboty Przemyslowe http://www.robotyprzemyslowe.eu/metalowy/en/offer.php  Industrial Robotics (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

San Control http://www.sancontrol.pl/ Image Processing Technology (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

S-Arts http://s-arts.pl/ Interactive Web Agency

SwitchCase http://switchcase.pl/english-brief/ Web and Mobile software development

Sugentum http://sugentum.com/ mobile e-commerce (NEW 2012)

Superior Stats http://www.superiorstats.pl/home Business Intelligence/Data Mining (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Synkia http://www.synkia.com/ Mobile Synchronization Software (Norway)

The ShootAR http://www.theshootar.com/ Mobile Augment Reality game

Thulium http://www.thulium.pl Call Center, Contact Center solutions (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

ticket.com - Ticket Commercial Ltd. http://www.ticket.com - ticket purchase (UK)

Topicmarks - http://topicmarks.com/ - Text summarization (acquired in Silicon Valley by Tagged - December 2011

Tried-and-Tested - www.mobile.tried-and-tested.eu - Social City Guides (NEW)

Trigendo http://www.trigendo.com/ Biochemical and Pharmacological Research 

Ubik.com http://www.ubik.com/ Mobile publishing

U2i http://www.u2i.com/   software development shop (US)

Veneo http://www.veneo.eu/ E-marketing and e-business

Vinci Games http://vincigames.com/en/ Game design and development

Violi-Net http://www.violi-net.pl/ Web design and e-marketing (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Webklinika http://www.webklinika.pl/index.htm Web design and usibility testing (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Webshake.tv http://webshake.tv/ Internet TV *New January 2010

WindMobile http://www.wind-mobile.com/?id=27 Mobile solutions

Zonar.pl http://zonar.pl/ Mobile App to find offers based on preferences and geolocalization (NEW 2012)


Web page and portal for Start Ups (Polish)

http://mamstartup.pl  (means "I've go a start up")


SMEs (below 100 employees)

AdRem http://www.adremsoft.com/ Network management

Adviso http://www.advisio.biz/en_US/ Consulting software and methodologies 

Amertus - http://www.amartus.com - B-OSS & Management solutions 

Aplixcom http://aplixcom.com/ ERP systems

Applicake http://applicake.com/ Ruby Development

ARC Consulting http://www.arc-consulting.pl/ IT consulting

Argos Translations http://www.argostranslations.com largest software localization and translation company in Poland HQ in Cracow, offices in US and Ireland

Arces Network http://www.arces.net Managed Services and Cloud Computing Services (New York, USA)

AsComp http://www.ascomp.com.pl/ IT Systems Integrator

AutoID http://www.uk.autoid.pl/ document management and processing 

AzimuthIT http://www.azimuthit.com/index.php software solutions for airline industry

BCC http://www.bcc.com.pl/en/ SAP consulting and implementation

Binary Minds http://www.binaryminds.com/ ColdFusion development (USA)

Biocentrum http://www.biocentrum.com.pl/ Bioinformatics and Clinical Trials

CCNS http://www.ccns.pl/index.php?d=1 Hardware reseller

CD projekt RED http://www.thewitcher.com Video game development

CIRCDATA http://www.circdata.com Audience management software (UK - 2011)

Code Concept http://www.codeconcept.pl/en/Company_AboutUs.php Mobile and Web Development

Codesprinters http://www.codesprinters.com/ Python and Ruby Development

Codewise http://www.codewise.pl/ web applications

CryptoTech - http://www.cryptotech.com.pl/Firma/English_info,content.html cryptography and smart card systems

CUBE.Corporate Release http://cube-cr.pl/?lang=en CRM, software for banking and telecommunication sector

Dotpay http://www.dotpay.pl/index.php?content=21&newlang=en e-commerce payment system

DASL Systems - http://www.dasl.pl/index.php?lang=en - Software for power and engineering industry 

eCircle http://www.ecircle.com/ digital direct marketing

ECRU Software http://en.pro100.eu/home design software

Eperion http://epeiron.com/ Multimedia services

Erlang Solutions http://www.erlang-solutions.com/ Erlang Software Consulting and Development

ESC S.A. http://www.escsa.pl/ CRM

EUTECert http://www.eutecert.eu/web/guest IT and certification services

Free Mind http://www.freemind.pl Video game development

Ganymede http://www.ganymede.com.pl/contact.html Game development

Grape Software http://www.grapesoftware.com Flex, Adobe AIR, Java development

Gridwise Tech http://www.gridwisetech.com/ Large data and scalable systems

Grupa Adweb http://www.adweb.pl Website design company

Grupa WEBINN http://www.webinn.pl/Home_Page/?l=2 IT outsourcing

HiddenData http://www.hiddendata.co/ data analysis and visualization

Hiflex http://www.hiflex.com Software for graphics industry (US)

Hor.Net http://hornet.pl/en/ internet service/cloud computing provider

Image Sensing Systems http://english.autoscope.pl/ software-based detection solutions

In Images Tomasz Chudy http://www.inimages.pl Computer design, Informatics services

Infinite Loop http://www.infiniteloop.eu/en Customer business software, including Ruby

Infosystems SA http://www.infosystems.pl/index.php?L=1 solutions and implementation services for the Printing, Packaging and Graphic Arts Industries (NEW - R&D)

InSoft http://www.insoft.com.pl/evs.htm Software Development

InterSystem http://www.intersystem.pl/ Business Software Development

ITCube http://itcube.pl/en/ CRM systems

ITEKNA http://www.itekna.com/en IT consulting (France)

IT Kontrakt - http://www.itkontrakt.pl/solutions-for-business/it-solution-outsourcing/it-solution_outsourcing IT outsourcing

IT Soft http://www.itsoft.pl/en/ Online Ticket Purchasing

IT Vision http://en.itvision.pl/ System Integrator-Software Vendor

IT4Business http://www.it4business.pl/main,start Web development

JPEmbedded http://www.jpembedded.eu/ Embedded Systems Software Development

J-labs http://www.j-labs.pl/ Software development outsourcing

Jobpartners http://www.jobpartners.com/ people management software (Acquired by Taleo)

K-Software http://www.eng.k-software.pl/ Custom Mobile and Internet Software Development

LandStudio http://www.landstudio.pl/en/index.php Software for digital geodesy (Switzerland)

Logica http://www.logica.com/ Business Intelligence

Loycon http://www.loycon.pl/ Business and Software Solutions

Lumesse http://www.lumesse.com/ talent management software

Lunar Logic Polska http://www.lunarlogicpolska.com/ First Ruby development firm in Poland

Luxmat-Telecom - http://www.luxmat.com/ ICT solutions 

Making Waves http://www.makingwaves.pl/en/ Design and Technology Consulting

microbiolab http://www.microbiolab.eu/ - Bioinformatics

Mobile Experts http://www.mobileexperts.pl/ Mobile solutions

Mobile Tek http://www.mobiltek.pl/?language=EN SMS Premium Services

Mobiteam http://www.mobiteam.com/en/ - Mobile solutions

Mobtown http://mobtown.it/ Mobile analytics software

MyNetwork Poland http://www.mynetwork.pl/firma-about.php elearning solutions 

Natek http://www.natek.eu/ IT Consulting and Outsourcing

NetArt http://netart.pl/en/index.html domain brokerage, hosting and web design

Neuro Code - http://neuro-code.com/en R&D neuro- and bioinformatics

NextiraOne http://www.nextiraone.eu/pl/ Communication systems, networking 

Nibris http://www.nibris.net/ Video game development

Nibynic http://nibynic.com/ web apps design and development (HTML5, Javascript, Ruby on Rails) *New 2013

NobleProg http://www.nobleprog.co.uk/ Outsourcing

Optiz Consulting - http://www.opitz-consulting.com/en/home.php Business Intelligence solutions and applications (Germany)

One2tribe http://www.one2tribe.pl/en/ Video game development

PeekTraffic http://www.peektraffic.eu electronic and software solutions for traffic and transport (August 2011, Netherlands)

Polcode http://www.polcode.com/en/ Web applications - PHP, RoR

Polcom http://www.polcom.com.pl/en IT integrator, cloud computing services

RailsBerry http://railsberry.com/ Ruby test house

Reality Pump http://www.realitypump.pl/en/index2.php Video game development

RKO Digital http://www.rkodigital.com/home Website Design

SecuRing http://www.securing.pl/en/ Information security management

Selvita http://www.selvita.com/ Biotechnology and Clinical Trials

Semihalf http://semihalf.com/ Embedded Systems Design and Development

Silvermedia http://www.silvermedia.eu/ Information management

SII http://pl.sii.eu/?lang=en&id= IT consulting and systems (France)

SIP http://sip.krakow.pl/eng/ Industry software

SMT http://www.smtsoftware.com/en Software house (NEW 2013)

SoInteractive http://www.sointeractive.pl/#/en/index.html Web development

SoftPro http://softpro.pl/home-en.html Enterprise software

Software Mind http://www.softwaremind.pl/en/Main_Page Custom software house  VC Funded IIF http://www.iif.pl/en/

Studio Nobis http://www.studionobis.pl/index_en.php Design firm

Sygnity http://www.sygnity.pl/sygnityeng/ IT solutions

Talex http://www.talex.pl/en/ (IT services and solutions for business process optimization)

Tate Interactive http://www.tate.pl Video game development

techdata http://www.techdata.pl/en/Default.aspx?OID=13957 IBM integrator

Test4load http://test4load.com/ SME service provider (Israel)

TEYON http://www.teyon.com Video game development

Transactor Global Solutions http://www.transactorgsl.com Insurance software (UK - July 2011)

Unity http://www.unity.pl/en IT provider of e-commerce solutions

Vivid Games http://www.vividgames.com Video game development

X-Company http://x-company.com/ Web and mobile development (Australia - Sept 2012)

Xtend Media http://www.xtend.pl/en/index.php Software Development

XTRF http://www.xtrf.us/ Translation Management System

ZSK http://www.zsk.pl/en_index IT, telecommunication systems and building automation

ZST-Softel http://www.zst-softel.eu/ Outsourcing

Zubi http://www.en.zubi.pl/ Interactive marketing and e-Business

Zycko http://www.zycko.com/ IT distributor (UK) *New 2013


SMEs (over 100 employees)

Affiliated Computer Services of Poland Sp. z o.o. http://www.acs-inc.com/ACS_Europe.aspx 

Akademickie Centrum Komputerowe Cyfronet AGH   http://www.cyfronet.krakow.pl/

Asseco Poland http://www.asseco.pl/en Software producer

ATSI S.A http://www.atsisa.com/index_en.html Software development for multimedia, games

CCNS Spółka Akcyjna  http://www.ccns.pl/index.php?d=1

Chatham Financial http://www.chathamfinancial.com/ Financial services and technology solutions

Comarch S.A.   http://www.comarch.pl/pl

Compendium – Centrum Edukacyjne Sp. z o.o.   http://www.compendium.pl/

Crowley Data Poland http://www.crowley.pl/language/en_US.html telecommunication operator and data services (branch in Krakow)

Dream Lab Onet.pl Sp. z o.o.  http://en.dreamlab.pl/

Elettric 80 Sp. z o.o.  http://www.elettric80.com/index.aspx

Emitel http://www.emitel.pl/english-version terrestrial radio and TV broadcast infrastructure operator

Epam http://www.epam.com/ software services, IT outsourcing

Ericpol Telecom Sp. Z o.o. http://www.ericpol.pl/en/ Mobile telephony

Grupa Onet.pl S.A.  http://ofirmie.onet.pl/,,,EN,index.html Web Portal

HCL Poland Sp. z o.o.   http://www.hcl.in/ Business Process and IT Outsourcing

IGE-XAO http://www.ige-xao.com/ CAD

interia.pl http://www.interia.pl/ Portal

Motorola Polska Eletronics Sp. Z.o.o. http://www.motorolacareers.com/moto.cfm?cntry=poland&page=161

NASK - http://www.nask.pl/ Network and DNS operator (branch only)

Parasoft http://www.parasoft.com/jsp/home.jsp Software development

QUMAK-SEKOM http://www.qumak.eu/ ICT Integrator

Quantum Software http://www.quantum-software.com/en/index.php Logistics and supply chain software

Sabre Polska Sp. z o.o.   http://www.sabre.pl   (http://www.sabre.com)

Softhis http://www.softhis.com/ Internet Software

Softnet Sp. z o.o. Systemy Bankowe   http://www.softnet.pl/english_summary Software Developer

Solidex S.A   http://www.solidex.com.pl/

VSoft S.A.  http://www.vsoft.pl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4&Itemid=16⟨=en  IT systems Software

Veracomp S.A.       http://www.veracomp.pl/


Medium Sized companies doing Back-Office R&D (HQ outside Krakow)

Antenna http://www.antennasoftware.com/ Mobile Software (Acquired Volantis and Ubik in 2011)

Appriso http://www.apriso.com/company/company.htm Adaptive manufacturing software

Avionix Software http://www.avionixsl.com/en Air Traffic Control Software (Barcelona, Spain)

Bloober Team http://blooberteam.com/ Video game development (Funded by Satus)

Compact Solutions http://www.compactbi.com/ Software for data warehousing

Connect2Media http://connect2media.com/ Video game developer and Distributor

Deltavista http://www.deltavista.com/ Data mining (Germany)

Energy Micro - http://energymicro.com/ Semiconductors (Norway) *New 2011

Eset http://www.eset.com/ Internet Security (France)

Eura7 http://www.eura7.co.uk/ Website design company

FQS (subsidiary of Fujitsu) http://www.fqs.pl/ research and development of scientific software

Hands On Mobile http://www.handson.com/ Wireless entertainment company

HID Global http://www.hidglobal.com/ Secure Identity Solutions (US) *New 2013

Hosting365 http://www.hosting365.com/ Hosted Infrastructure Provider (Ireland)

Hurrah Communications http://hurra.com/en/ Search Engine Marketing

iLoopMobile http://www.iloopmobile.com/ Mobile Advertising and Development (Silicon Valley, USA) *New 2009

InFusion http://www.infusion.com/default.aspx Software Engineering/Design

Kelvatek http://www.kelvatek.com/index.html (Kelvatek acquired Kelman 2009) Low Voltage Solutions.Smart Grid (United Kingdom) *New 2009

Luxsoft http://www.luxoft.com/about/global_delivery/poland/ Software Industry Solutions (Russia) *New 2010

Metrosoft Inc. http://www.metrosoft.com/ Software for banking and finance (USA)

Sage Group http://www.sage.com.pl/?locale=en Business management software

Schibsted Tech Polska http://www.schibsted.com/ Norwegian Media Group doing IT in Krakow (Norway) *New 2012

SolarWinds http://www.solarwinds.com/ IT management tools and software (US) *New 2014

SPSS Polska    http://www.spss.pl/ Analytical Software (Acquired by IBM, July 2009)

StepStone Solutions http://www.stepstonesolutions.com/ HR Software Development (United Kingdom) *New 2010

StoneSoft http://www.stonesoft.com/us/ Network Security Software (Finland) *New in 2010

Union Square Internet Development http://www.u2i.com/en/about_us Web Application Development (New York, USA)

Vicon http://www.vicon.com/company/releases/012809.htm Motion capture studio

Volantis http://www.volantis.com/  Mobile content delivery platform (United Kingdom)-Acquired by Antenna in 2011 (New Jersey, USA)

http://www.x-formation.com/ Software Licensing Development (Denmark) *New 2009

Xendex http://www.xendex.com/ Mobile games development

eRevMax http://erevmax.com - market leader in travel services (UK) Acquired Lunar Logic Polska for R&D in 2010


Multinationals (HQ outside Krakow, >500M Revenue)

ABB http://www.abb.com/cawp/plabb046/b38e3ceb80404cf1c1256dc10033062a.aspx ABB Power Tech Research Center

Akamai http://www.akamai.com web content and application delivery (US) *New 2011

AutoDesk http://www.autodesk.com AutoCad Software

Beijing West Industries http://www.bwigroup.com/static/locations/ Automotive Research Center (China)

Capgemini http://www.capgemini.com/ IT outsourcing 

Cisco Systems http://www.cisco.com/ Networking and communication systems (US) *New 2011

Delphi  http://delphi.com/careers/international/poland/ Delphi Automotive Research Center

Google http://www.google.com  Web Services

IBM http://www.ibm.com IT Products and Services

Motorola http://www.motorola.com IT Products and Services

Nokia Siemens Networks http://www.nokiasiemensnetworks.com/ Mobile Products and Services (result of Motorola Mobility Acquisition)

Sabre http://www.sabre.com Travel Web Services

Samsung http://rd.samsung.pl/?lang=en R&D center (NEW 2013)


Polish Language Only Websites

Aboo http://www.aboo.pl/ IT Services

Adapta http://www.adapta.com.pl/ Software Solutions

Advanced Business Solutions http://www.absolutions.com.pl/ ERP software

Advertical http://www.advertical.pl/?index.php Strategy and Internet Education Agency (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Allegro http://allegro.pl/ Biggest polish e-commerce platform *New 2014

Amistad group http://www.amistad.pl  mobile applications and e-marketing (start up)

Apius Technologies http://apius.designbank.pl/index.php IP communications and information security

Apocalypse http://apocalypse.pl/ browser game (start up)

Aquapack http://archiwum.technoinkubator.com/index.php?dzial=inkubator&firma=aquapack  Bioinformatics

Agencja Interaktywna Grupa Adweb http://www.4studio.net/

‘AICON’ Dawid Cieślak http://www.kdo.pl Computer and electronic products

Araneo http://www.araneo.pl/ Internet and mobile applications

Avamex http://www.avamex.krakow.pl/ Network integrator

AZ Soft S.A. http://www.azsoft.pl/index.html

Becomo http://www.becomo.com/ Integrator

Blue Paprica http://www.bluepaprica.com/ eMarketing and Web design

Chwilami http://www.chwilami.pl/ Software Development (Apple, iPhone, iPad)

ClickMaster http://www.clickmaster.pl website creation

Codigito http://www.codigito.pl/ Software Development (including Ruby on Rails)

CoreService http://www.coreservice.pl/ Software Development

DataComp http://www.datacomp.com.pl Software for Industry - Mechanical, Construction

Dotlabs (PL Only) http://www.dotlabs.pl/ E-commerce systems/Interactive Web Agency (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

DPK Systems http://www.dpksystem.pl/ IT systems for transport 

Arrow ECS http://www.dns.com.pl/ - Oracle partner

Dr IT http://www.drit.pl/ business applications

Duda Software http://www.dudasoftware.com Medical and Mobile Software

e-Center (PL Only) http://www.ecenter.pl/ Data center outsourcing

eDirect http://www.edirect.pl/ IT integrator

Empathy Interactive (PL Only) http://www.empathy.pl/

Enter IT http://www.enterit.pl/ Software Development

Entestat http://www.entestat.com/ Software Development and Oracle Partner

E-Prawnik (PL Only)   http://e-prawnik.pl/ Internet law advising

Fabryka Stron Internetowych - http://www.fsi.pl/ Website creation 

Fru.pl http://fru.pl plane and hotel booking system 

Futbolowo.pl http://futbolowo.pl/ Creation and management of websites for futbol fans (start up)

IMS Kompania Informatyczna http://www.kompania.net/ wireless data transmission 

InFact http://www.infakt.pl/ Online Invoicing

Infrastructure Solutions Consulting Group http://www.iscg.pl/ IT systems

Ingens http://www.ingenes.eu/ ERP, BI software

Insoft http://www.insoft.com.pl/ CRM software

Instytut Rozwoju Reklamy (PL Only) http://www.irr.pl/  Full service advertising agency

INTERIA.PL S.A.    http://firma.interia.pl/ Web Portal

Internetia http://www.internetia.pl/ Internet provider

InventSoft (PL Only) http://www.i-inventsoft.pl/  Intelligent software solutions

Investio http://investio.pl/ financial analysis platform

ITWorks http://www.itworks.pl IT outsourcing

Kiedy.co http://kiedy.co/ platform for locating events around you (start up)

Lanox http://lanox.pl/ IT outsourcing 

LaSer Symag http://www.symag.com.pl/ Cash register software

LexisNexis http://www.lexisnexis.pl/ IT solutions for law companies, governments

Lucreati (PL Only) http://www.lucreati.pl/ Website design

LunchMaster http://lunchmaster.pl/ online food ordering platform 

MadKom http://www.madkom.pl document and information management software for public sector

McComp http://www.mccomp.pl/ Retail software and ICT solutions

Meble.pl (PL Only)  http://www.meble.pl/ E-furniture

Megafoni https://megafoni.pl/ marketing solutions on Facebook (start up)

mITgard http://www.mitgard.pl/ Microsoft Solutions

Mijuma http://www.mijuma.pl/ E-Learning Platforms (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Mobile-Tech http://mobile-tech.pl/ Mobile solutions

Monit24 http://monit24.pl/ e-business, website security monitoring 

Morele.net http://www.morele.net/ e-commerce 

Multimedia Communications http://www.hybrid.pl/ - Multimedia and internet

Nagroderek http://nagroderek.pl/ Contests and prizes platform 

NetArch http://www.netarch.com.pl/ Internet architecture for business 

networkers.pl - http://networkers.pl/ Network integrator 

Niebezpiecznik.pl http://niebezpiecznik.pl/ Popular security blog and IT security audits, Pentests

NixSys http://www.nixsys.pl/index.php IT systems

Notatek http://notatek.pl/  platform for sharing university notes (PL only)

Omnigo.pl http://omnigo.pl/ Startup on online publishing

Origami Systems http://www.origamisystem.pl/  travel software

Personal TV (PL Only) http://www.personaltv.pl/ IPTV recommendation software

Peryskop http://www.peryskop.pl/ Recommendation Engine, VC Funded IIF http://www.iif.pl/en/

Predictive Solutions http://www.predictivesolutions.pl/ data mining, data analysis 

PRL http://www.prl.com.pl Dubbing and audio services for video games

Profeo http://www.profeo.pl/ Social Media

Pro-Holding.NET http://www.proholding.com.pl/index.php ERP systems

ProIntegro http://prointegro.com.pl/ IP PBX, Call and Contact centers

Przedszkolowo http://przedszkolowo.pl/ website creation and maintenace for preschool 

Pulsar Projekt http://www.pulsarprojekt.pl/ IT Outsourcing

R-data http://www.r-data.pl/ IT solutions

Sentymetr http://sentymetr.pl/ Internet/media monitoring applications

Suqqon Project http://www.suqoonproject.com Web design

SKK SA http://www.skk.com.pl/ largest Polish auto ID company,, bar code RF-ID, also wireles networking, label and tag production

Soneta http://www.soneta.pl/ ERP Software

Statica http://statica.pl/index.html broker's software 

STREAM Communications http://www.streamcn.pl/index.php Cable Operator

SuperUltra http://www.superultra.pl/ Social Media Studio (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Synergian http://synergian.pl/ Services Price comparison platform

System Services http://www.s-serv.pl/index.htm Video transmission software

Tech Cave http://www.techcave.pl/ technology for marketing 

TeleMetro http://www.telemetro.com.pl/index.php IT and communication systems

TimeFrame Software http://www.tfs.pl/ Software Development

Thulium (PL Only) http://www.thulium.pl/  Call centre

Trecom http://trecom.pl/ Network and computer systems design and deployment

Treespot http://www.treespot.pl/ Mobile city info (start up)

Unicard SA plastic card systems and production of cards and hardware. (ticketing, access control, local id cards, club cards, promotional). Plastic

Unisoft http://www.unisoft.com.pl/index.php IT systems for company management

Vela http://www.vela.net.pl/ CRM and RIA

Veranet http://www.veranet.pl/ IT solutions, software development 

Violi Net http://violi-net.pl  Interactive Web Agency ( In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Wasko http://www.wasko.pl/ computer software and systems

Woblink http://woblink.com/  #1 Polish ebook store (start up)

Wroom.pl (PL Only) http://www.wroom.pl/ Automotive e-Sales  VC Funded IIF http://www.iif.pl/en/

Xorsoft (PL Only)  http://www.zlecenia.przez.net/ Internet platform for freelancers

YouGo! http://www.yougo.pl/  Personalized electronic tour guides (In Krakow Tech Park Incubator)

Zadane.pl http://zadane.pl/ Polish social learning platform (start up)

ZETO Kraków Sp. z o.o. http://www.zeto.krakow.pl/zeto/




Start-Up Funding Sources in Krakow (see Poland wide available funds below)



Satus http://www.satus.pl/our-inVestments.html

Way 7  http://www.way7.eu/ (in Polish)

MARR http://www.en.marr.pl/for-entrepreneurs/innovation-funds/ EU Funding Agency for Malopolska

Krakow Technology Park http://www.sse.krakow.pl/en and their Seed Fund http://www.sse.krakow.pl/pl/fundusz-zalazkowy.html (in Polish) Government Funding and Incubator

Speed Up Group www.speedupgroup.pl

AIP Krakow http://aipkrakow.blogspot.com/


Seed Capital

Brightberries (in Polish) http://brightberries.pl/

Innovation Nest http://innovationnest.co/  (Investment fund, entrepreneurship school, "office hours" mentoring and support)



Bink + http://www.binkplus.pl/eng


Incubator/Accelerator plus Seed Capital and Physical Space for Start-ups

Hub:Raum (Deutsche Telekom) - https://www.hubraum.com/we/krakow

Google for Entrepreneurs Krakow http://www.google.com/entrepreneurs/initiatives/gek.html


Venture Capital in Krakow

Internet Investment Fund http://iif.pl/en/


Long list of other financial resources - Polish (but many of funds linked to have English as well)



International links

London Techhub http://www.techhub.com/

Prague Start Up Yard http://startup-yard.com/


Office Space for Start-Ups in Krakow

Colab  www.colab.pl New and the biggest co-working and community building venue in Krakow located in Kazimierz. formerly Kompany. shareholders are local business people and investment funds.

Bioro - http://www.bioro.pl/ co-working venue located in Kazimierz (Dietla street)

CoWorking Jozefa  -  http://www.coworkingjozefa.pl/home/ Another new co-working space in Kazimierz, clearly the hottest location for entrepreneurs

BNG or Office by the Hour http://www.biura-na-godziny.pl/ Provides office space in three locations around Krakow by the hour, the day, or the month.

Studio Kreatywnaj Współpracy Has a comfortable working space on Lea, just north of the city

RISE - http://www.rise.com.pl/english/krakow Virtual office at 3 maja avenue  

Bi-Prostal Building (Cheap Office Space in a convenient location, has "incubated" many start-ups in Krakow) at Królewska 57



Entrepreneurship support projects available for schools


Famous Alumni project. Launch March 2011 Final November 2011 during Global Entrepreneurship Week. Polish school kids use social networking to find entrepreneurs and other people who have achieved something, interview them and put the interview on their school web site.



Klub Przedsiębiorczych Nauczycieli IMPULS (teachers enterprise clubs) run by National Bank of Poland with the Foundation for Youth Enterprise


"Otwarta firma" (open company) a project facilitating school visits to companies


Program "Przedsiębiorczość" (Enterprise programme) with the Polish American freedom Foundation


 Foundation for Youth Enterprise Fundacja Młodzieżowej Przedsiębiorczości  has a number of other active programmes to support schools which want to be active in enterprise actiivities


Moje 2 minuty "(My two minutes) elevator ptich competition organised by Krakowski Park Technologiczny


Other projects as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week

 Światowy Tydzień Przedsiębiorczości.w Polsce

Students Forum of Business Centre Club






Incubators in Krakow

AIP - http://inkubatory.pl/ Incubators at Akademia Krakowska and Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny - part of a national network

AIP - AGH - http://www.aip.agh.edu.pl/ Akademicki Inkubator Przesbiebiorczosci (Incubator) at AGH

AIP - UJ - http://www.inkubator.krakow.pl/ Incubator at UJ

Bink+http://www.binkplus.pl/eng Krakow's Newest Incubator with a full service range (*New 2012)

Techno Inkubator - http://www.technoinkubator.pl/ Incubator at KPT (Krakow Technology Park)


Have attractive low cost support package for students up to 30 year olds. for 200 złoty a month they run your formal book keeping,

tel  +48 660 479 228 www.inkubatory.pl  Ten adres e-mail jest ukrywany przed spamerami, włącz obsługę JavaScript w przeglądarce, by go zobaczyć

ul. Mogilska 43, pokój 1003 (piętro X), 31-545 Kraków



Cambridge Python

Cambridge <->Poland network organising all Poland entrepreneurship competitions with input from both consulting companies and ending with investment from VC  companies. Also organises lectures/training in Warsaw. a number of business related presentations (in Polish) available on its web site here

Educational institutions focussing on Entreprenuership

Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation http://www.knpi.ae.krakow.pl/

Student body at Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation  (Polish only) 


San Francisco University Engagements with Krakow Universities

David Silver from the University of San Francisco (USF)


JP Allen from the University of San Francisco (USF)







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