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Venture Capital Sources in Poland

Page history last edited by KrakowIT 12 years, 11 months ago Saved with comment

List is courtesy of the Krakow Network  (a group created for people interested in facilitating Krakow entrepreneurship, especially in high tech sector)


Venture Capital Sources in Poland:

3TS Capital Partners www.3tscapital.com

Abris Capital www.abris-capital.com

Advent International www.adventinternational.pl

AIP Seed Capital www.aipseedcapital.pl

AKJ Capital www.akj.com.pl

Altarnative Investment www.alternativeinvestment.eu.pl

Argus Capital www.arguscapitalgroup.com

ARX Equity Partners www.arxequity.com

Avallon www.avallon.pl

BBI Capital www.bbicapital.pl

Bio Info Bank Seed Capital www.seed.bioinfo.pl

bmp AG www.bmp.com

Bridgepoint www.bridgepoint.pl

Business Angel Seedfund www.seedfund.pl

Capital Partners www.c-p.pl

ENNOVA www.ennova.pl

Enterprise Investors www.ei.com.pl

EQT Partners www.eqt.se/en/Contact/Offices/Warsaw

EuroPG Investments www.europg.pl

Grupa Copernicus www.copernicus.pl

HardGamma http://hardgamma.com 

Helix Ventures www.helixventures.net

Holtzbrinck Ventures www.holtzbrinck-ventures.com

Innova Capital www.innovacap.com

Intel Capital www.intel.com/capital

Internet Investment Fund www.iif.pl

KBC NV www.kbcpe.bepl

Kerten Capital www.kerten.com

Krajowy Fundusz KapitaƂowy www.kfk.org.pl

LI Investments/SpeedUp Group www.speedupgroup.com

Krokus Private Equity www.krokuspe.pl

MCI Management www.mci.pl

Mid Europa Partners www.mideuropa.com

Novainvest www.novainvest.com.pl

Oresa Ventures www.oresaventures.com

Penta Investments www.pentainvestments.com

Penton Partners www.pentonpartners.com

Phenomind Ventures www.phenomindventures.com

Privilege Capital Management www.privilegecapital.pl

Privilege Funds www.privilegefunds.pl

Regionalne Fundusze Inwestycji www.rfi.pl

Renaissance Partners www.rp.com.pl

Royalton Partners www.royalton-partners.com

Sail Fund www.sailfund.org

SATUS www.satus.pl

Secus Asset Management www.secus-fiz.pl

Sovereign Capital www.sovereign.pl

Tar Heel Capital www.tarheelcap.com

The Riverside Company www.riversidecompany.com

Trigon www.trigon.pl

Vienna Capital Partners www.vcpag.com

Vivex Investment www.vivex.pl

Webventure www.webventure.pl

Xevin Investments www.xevin.pl


Venture Capital Sources available with offices outside of Poland:

3TS Capital Partners www.3tscapital.com

Aquarium Investments www.aquariuminvestments.com

Aquila Capital www.aquila-capital.de

Carlyle Group www.carlyle.com

CRG Capital www.crgcap.com

Oaktree Capital www.oaktreecapital.com

Team Europe Ventures www.teameurope.net


Start-Up Funding Sources in Krakow (see Poland wide available funds below)


Omega Fund http://www.omegafund.pl/ (in Polish) How to get EU and National Funding for High Tech

Satus http://www.satus.pl/ (in Polish)

Way 7  http://www.way7.eu/ (in Polish)

MARR http://www.marr.pl/en/ EU Funding Agency for Malopolska

Krakow Technology Park http://www.sse.krakow.pl/en and their Seed Fund http://www.sse.krakow.pl/pl/fundusz-zalazkowy.html (in Polish) Government Funding and Incubator

Academic Enterprise Incubator Foundation AIP Seed Capital  (in Polish)

Speed Up Group www.speedupgroup.pl


Seed Capital (in Polish) http://brightberries.pl/


Venture Capital in Krakow

Internet Investment Fund http://iif.pl/en/


Long list of other financial resources - Polish (but many of funds linked to have English as well)



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