Video: Krakow, Poland - A Technology Hub for Central & Eastern Europe
"Cracking the Krakow Code – Poland’s newest high tech cluster emerges" a great story by Mike Butcher from TechCrunch Europe after his visit in Krakow about Krakow IT start up scene
“For years, Western technology firms have come to Eastern Europe to lure away talented computer-science graduates...but now, the region's universities are producing so many top programmers that many firms are changing tack – and setting up shop at the source. IBM, Motorola, and Google have all opened research labs here in Krakow in recent years.•Eastern Europeans have dominated international programming competitions in recent years, attracting the attention of tech firms. "When we saw these trends, of people from Eastern Europe winning these contests, we decided to take a closer look," says Kannan Pashupathy, Google's head of international engineering operations. "People have a huge interest in software, and there's a much deeper grounding in mathematics in the curriculum in these countries"...Cultural, geographic, and economic proximity to Western Europe has given the region an advantage over global competitors like India.” (Christian Science Monitor, “Why Google put a research lab in Poland”, 3/13/07)
“For Big Blue and other IT services companies, Poland's skilled workforce makes up for rising wages with skills that offset Bangalore's low costs. Krakow, Poland, is a nice place to live and work, with a charming old quarter and a lively club scene driven by the city's population of more than 150,000 students. In fact, Krakow seems almost too nice to compete with the raucous, traffic-jammed cities of India as a location for outsourcing...•Since 2002, IBM has boosted staff in Krakow tenfold...Part of the reason Krakow makes sense for IBM, as well as for Cap Gemini, Motorola, KPMG, and other multinationals is that the university town churns out a steady supply of well-qualified graduates.”(Spiegel Online, “As Good as Bangalore: Why Krakow Still Works for IBM”, 9/26/07)
Krakow's High Tech and Entrepreneurial Scene (March 2010) Audio Article, Polish Radio External Service
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