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Brainly - Krakow based startup (social network for homework) to raise $9M from venture capital - Read more
Adding 3 new companies: - Allegro http://allegro.pl/ Biggest polish e-commerce platform *New 2014 - SolarWinds http://www.solarwinds.com/ IT management tools and software (US) *New 2014 - Unity http://www.unity.pl/en IT provider of e-commerce solutions
Back to updating after a pretty long break... Adding the list of pages with calendars of KRakow startup events
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Estimote - Krakow IT startup talks about Operating system for the physical world - Read more NEW
Adding news: - Adding 2 new companies to the list - Read more NEW - Samsung to open R&D center in Krakow - Read more NEW KrakowIt counter - 359
Adding new companies: - Dropsport - http://dropsport.com sport social online service that lets you find sports partner around you - Railwaymen http://www.railwaymen.org/en/ Ruby on Rails Development - Razorbear http://razorbear.com/ Ruby on Rails Development - U2i http://www.u2i.com/ software development shop (US) Adding new co-working space: Bioro - http://www.bioro.pl/ co-working venue located in Kazimierz (Dietla street) KrakowIT counter = 356
Adding news - This time it's official - 'The Witcher's' creators to set up in Krakow! - Read more NEW
Updating 'Krakow IT Life' - adding new associations, events and conferences and adding 'CrypoTech' company to the list